JHS Parents and Guardians,
Semester exams are an essential part of high school credit. Review the testing schedule, early requests, exemption requirements, and check-out procedures.
Exams are scheduled to start on Friday, December 15 and will continue until Wednesday, December 19. Exams can be made up on Thursday, December 21.
Friday, December 15 | 1A | 8:20-9:45 |
Friday, December 15 | 2A | 9:50-11:15 |
Monday, December 18 | 1B | 8:20-9:45 |
Monday, December 18 | 2B | 9:50-11:15 |
Tuesday, December 19 | 3A | 8:20-9:45 |
Tuesday, December 19 | 4A | 9:50-11:15 |
Wednesday, December 20 | 3B | 8:20-9:45 |
Wednesday, December 20 | 4B | 9:50-11:15 |
Thursday, December 21 | MAKE UP ONLY |
*After lunch, all scholars will attend assigned classes.
Exemption from an exam is a reward for exceptional academic progress. However, it is widely acknowledged that students benefit from the study skills they develop while preparing for semester exams that are similar to those used in post-secondary schools. Keeping this in mind, the JHS exemption policy is as follows:
Scholars who have earned a grade of an “A or B” in a high school credit course may be exempt from taking the semester exam when
There are no more than 5 tardies for the 2nd quarter for all classes
There are no more than 2 unexcused absences for the 2nd quarter
There are no discipline referrals or suspensions in the 1st semester
Scholars are on track to graduate (no credit recovery classes)
According to the policy, scholars may choose:
50% of their core and 50% of their elective classes.
*Scholars will receive an exemption form from their English teacher by Dec. 11
Release After Exams
In order to pick up your scholar after semester exams are completed on December 15-19, you will need to check them out. Due to the high volume of check-outs, we will use the procedure outlined below. The front office will not be open for check-out during this time.
All check-outs will take place in the Titan Circle area outside the gym and auditorium lobby.
Scholars must be checked out by an adult on their check-out list.
Scholars will not be released until the pick-up has been confirmed by staff and called from their classroom by office staff.
Checkout times for exams
After 1st exam: 9:45-9:55
After 2nd exam: 11:05-11:25
The office will re-open for check-out at 11:30.
All scholars who are not checked out will remain on campus and attend their assigned classes.
Early Exam Request
We understand that certain circumstances may require you to take the exams early. In such cases, please follow the procedures outlined below to request an early exam date.
If any scholar wishes to take their semester exams early, they will need to pick up a request form from an Assistant Principal. The request must be submitted and approved by an administrator no later than Friday, December 8. The early testing schedule is December 13-14. Only the principal or their designee can approve early exams, teachers do not grant early exams. Late requests will not be accepted.