July 31 – Time TBA
Titan Stadium
Alternate Dates: Aug 1 or 2
A. In a previous directive, Governor Hutchinson prohibited in-person
graduation ceremonies occurring before July 1.
B. Based on any future directives from the Governor and the Arkansas
Department of Health, our planned outdoor ceremony could be modified.
C. It is possible that we may have to limit the number of guests per
graduate based on state directives for large outdoor venues after July 1.
D. The number of graduates allowed to attend in a certain time period
could be limited. This would mean having several smaller ceremonies.
E. Other viewing options will be investigated, so everyone can be part of
the graduation ceremony.
F. We are planning to anticipate as many contingencies as possible. Once
we have final directives and guidance from the Governor, Arkansas
Department of Health, and Arkansas Department of Education, then we will
advise the community of any modifications to the ceremony.
Please stay tuned to social media, website postings, and school calls and
mailings concerning any end-of-school information. Several of these
announcements pertain to Chromebook return and AMI packets. AMI
activities will end on May 22 which is the last day for this school year.
1. The JHS virtual graduation will be presented on the JNPSD Facebook
page at 7 pm on Monday, May 18. Look for the watch party posting. The
Arkansas River bridges will be illuminated in our school colors to honor
Jacksonville High School graduates on this date. Also, look for special
announcements in this week’s Leader newspaper.
2. Please check updates from the following state websites for current
information from the Governor’s Office, Arkansas Department of Health,
Arkansas Department of Education, and other state agencies:
3. Meal deliveries will continue on the same schedule through May 22.
Summer meal service will begin on June 1. Meal delivery sites will be
released soon.
Thank you for your support as we close out the last week of AMI activities
for this school year.
Bryan Duffie. Ed.D.
May 18, 2020