August 29th was National Lemon Juice Day. Mrs. Henderson's class made fresh squeezed lemonade and a lemon cake with lemon icing to celebrate! #wearejms
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Celebrating National Lemon Juice Day
Tasty lemon treats for National Lemon Juice Day
Mr. Case's AVID class is doing a unit on making a good first impression. Today they practiced how to give a proper handshake. The activity they used to practice was called a "Handshake Train". They had a blast collaboratively practicing proper handshake etiquette. #whoarewe #wearejms #AVID #greatdaytobeatitan #jnpsd #handshakes #funlearning
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Mason and Mr. Case greeting one another with a proper handshake
Mr. Case's class practicing greetings
AVID greetings
Practicing greetings
Who has two thumbs & loves our new Lexia program? Ms. Keech! #wearejms
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Ms. Keech loves Lexia.
There will *not* be an 8th grade game this Thursday (9/1) against Watson Chapel. There will be a 7th grade game, however, starting at 5:30 pm and 9th grade @ 7:00 pm.
about 2 years ago, JNPSD Updates
When you ask your middle school student, "What did you learn today at school?," and they respond with "Nothing." Here at JMS, where "Learning is Required", we've got you covered. Take a look at our weekly newsletter and be in-the-know of what your students are learning about in their content classes and some of their elective classes. Like, comment, and share. #weareJMS
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
JMS Learning is Required Week 1 Page 1
JMS Learning is Required Week 1 Page 2
Happy birthday to Mr. JT. We are so happy to have him here with us to offer support to all our scholars! #wearejms
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Happy Birthday, Mr. JT
Mrs. K, our media specialist, is super excited to check books out to our scholars here at JMS. Scholars can checkout 2 books at a time and keep them for 2 weeks. We are so glad these scholars are reading! #wearejms
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Mrs. K checking books out to our scholars.
Reading at JMS
Reading a new book.
Looking for a good fit book.
Coach Gilliland's classes built index towers to build teamwork. They had to find common interest and got 1 index card per interest. They then had to build their towers and see which group built the tallest tower.
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Coach Gilliland measuring an Index Interest Tower
Scholars working on building their Interest Index Tower
Interest Index Card Tower
Coach Gilliland's scholars building Interest Index Tower
Scholars in Coach Gilliland's class are making sure they know how to be safe, respectful, and responsible here at JMS by learning and teaching others about our JMS Behavior Matrix.
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Coach Gilliland discussing the JMS Behavior Matrix with his scholars.
Coach Gilliland's scholars working on their JMS Behavior Matrix presentations.
Coach Gilliland's scholars teaching others about the JMS Behavior Matrix
Thank you to Mrs. Eason's class for supporting our teachers this week!
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Mrs. Eason's class gave our teachers water bottles this week.
JMS would like to send out a big THANK YOU to Pershing Dental Clinic for toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss for the donation to the counselors' office Take What You Need cart! #wearejms
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Take What You Need Cart
JNPSD is starting a new 5th grade football program and we need the public's help finding a name for the program . Click on the link to submit name suggestions. The winner will receive an All Sports Pass.
about 2 years ago, JNPSD Updates
JNPSD is looking for long-term substitute teachers. Click on the link to APPLY TODAY!
about 2 years ago, JNPSD Updates
All Sports Pass. Click on the link to purchase.
about 2 years ago, JNPSD Updates
More team building is going on in Ms. Brown's classroom. The scholars are working together to save Fred! Ms. Brown is doing a great job building a positive culture in her social studies classes here at JMS!
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Save Fred!
Save Fred!
Save Fred!
Ms. Brown's 6th grade Social Studies classes did a team building activity to start her year off. Her scholars had to use critical thinking skills and had a lot of fun!
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Marshmallow challenge
Marshmallow challenge
Marshmallow challenge
Mrs. Pilkinton's class did a fun teamwork balloon activity today. What a great first day in her class!
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Balloon activity
Balloon activity
Balloon activity
Balloon activity
The following games have been cancelled: Thursday's (8/25) 7th grade game against Sylvan Hills. The 9th grade game against LR Mills on Sept. 22.
about 2 years ago, JNPSD Updates
JMS First Day Reminders
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
JMS First Day Reminders
Our teachers are getting ready for the new year here at JMS! We are excited about meeting our new 6th, 7th, and 8th grade scholars this evening at Open House from 5PM to 7PM.
about 2 years ago, Shana Killingsworth
Mrs. Gates ready to meet her new students.
Mr. Jackson is excited to be here!
Coach Gilland is putting up encouraging words here.
Mrs. Stringfellow is getting ready to meet our new 6th grade scholars!