Thank you to all our Military Families for your sacrifice!
4 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Military Child Breakfast
Families are invited to attend the Honor Ceremony on this Friday to celebrate 3rd 9 weeks and year long academic success.
4 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Honor Ceremony
THANK YOUUUUUU to the fabulous Sheri & Glenn Coonts for providing sonic drinks to JMS teachers to celebrate the completion of Day 1 testing!!! We appreciate you & your support!! ❤️🖤💛⚡️ #commUNITY
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Donated Sonic Drinks!
Get ready to support your grade by wearing specific colors on Monday, April 15. Which grade will win this competition? We will find out tomorrow! 8th grade wear black, 7th grade wear red, and 6th grade wear yellow.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Color battle of the grades
Tomorrow wear your jersey or sports apparel to show you are a testing champion. Encourage your scholar to show their work during the test by using their scratch paper.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Testing Dress Up Day
Encourage your scholar to wear their sweatpants tomorrow.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Don't sweat the test
Our own Ms. Taylor is a skating queen! She had such a great time showing off her skills with our 7th grade scholars last night!
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
Yesterday, we had a chance to celebrate our great assistant principals with a parade through the hallways of JMS! Thank you to Mr. McClain, Ms. Taylor, and Dr. Howard for all the hard work they do for our staff and scholars.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
AP Parade
AP Parade
AP Parade
AP Parade
AP Parade
We had a great time at 7th Grade Skate Night! Thanks to everyone that came out!
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th grade skate night
7th Grade Family Skate Night is tonight at Joyland Skate Rink in Cabot. We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Skate night
Wednesday, April 10th is Glow Up Day here at JMS! Scholars are encouraged to wear neon colors and their shades. We are showing how bright we are before the ATLAS test that is next week. Encourage you scholar to use the testing strategy of using the highlight tool during the test to make keywords glow!
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Wear Neon and Shades
JMS Volleyball Tryouts have been postponed until a later date.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Mrs. Smith and Ms. Miller's 7th grade Accelerated ELA class went on a poetry nature walk last week! The students wrote poems about the nature they observed!
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Nature walk
Nature walk
Writing poems about nature
Poetry writing
Poetry writing
Nature walk
Nature walk
Nature poetry walk
Nature walk
The April 10th volleyball tryouts for 6th and 7th grade girls has been postponed to a later date. TBA
5 months ago, JNPSD Updates
Skate night tonight for all families of 8th grade JMS scholars. Join us at Joy Land Skating Rink from 5 to 8PM tonight. It is $5 per person. Concessions will be sold.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Reminder: See flyer for information about an opportunity for our 6th and 7th grade scholars to visit Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2025. Sign up for the parent meeting that will be from 5:30 to 6:30pm on Thursday, April 11. Please RSVP for the meeting at:
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Washington DC
Hello Titan Family! JMS will conduct BMI and Scoliosis screenings this upcoming week on April 2nd for 6th and 8th grade scholars. Please see the attached link for information.
5 months ago, Kenneth Miller
See flyer for information about an opportunity for our 6th and 7th grade scholars to visit Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2025. Sign up for the parent meeting at:
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
Washington, D.C. Parent Meeting
Our JNPSD STEAM Fair is tonight at JMS! We are going to have a great time exploring different activities with robots, Lego, Makey Makey, Lightbot, and other items. We are excited to partner with The Innovation HUB, STARBASE, Main Event, and the Nixon Library. There will be food, fun, and prizes. We can't wait to see you there from 5 to 7PM! This is a family event, so scholars must have an adult present with them to attend.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth
All scholars have received their 3rd quarter report cards today. This is a great time to visit with your scholar about their successes and areas of need for growth.
5 months ago, Shana Killingsworth