Coronavirus Update #90
JNPSD COVID-19 Case Data for the week of November 13, 2020.
FREE Thanksgiving food boxes will be available first come, first serve on Sunday, November 22. Click on the link to view the full details.
FREE Thanksgiving food boxes will be available Sunday, November 22. Click the link for more details.
Coronavirus Update #89
Hey Parents! Do you need help understanding technology issues associated with your scholar's learning? We can help!
Join us for Digital Jacksonville Community Nights on Wednesday, November 11th at 5:15 pm. Just click on the link to join the event. This event is for virtual and onsite parents.
JNPSD COVID-19 Case Data for the week of November 6, 2020
Parents/guardians can check their scholar's grades and attendance using the Home Access Center or HAC. Here is a video tutorial on how to use the system.
Coronavirus Update # 88
JNPSD COVID-19 Case Data for the week of October 30, 2020
The Jacksonville North Pulaski School District is committed to disseminating information to parents regarding the district's core power standards. The power standards for each grade level and content area can be found on our website.
JNPSD COVID-19 Case Data; Week of October 23, 2020
Tonight's (10/23) varsity football game against LR Hall has been cancelled. If you've already purchased a ticket, you can get a refund on Monday, October 26th from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm at the JHS front office. You MUST have your ticket present to receive a refund!
SPORTS UPDATE: There will not be a 9th grade football game on Thursday, October 22nd. There will only be an 8th grade game played and it will start at 5:30 pm.
Titan Athletic Events; Week of October 19-23
JNPSD COVID-19 Case Data; Week of October 16th
Tickets for tonight's (10/15) football game @ Watson Chapel and Friday's game @ Beebe are on sale today from 12:30-2:30 at the JHS front office. Tickets will NOT be available at the game in Watson Chapel or Beebe. If you are planning to attend either game, YOU MUST PURCHASE TICKETS TODAY!
The next Digital Jacksonville Community Night will be held this Wednesday, 10/14 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. The event will take place virtually via Zoom. Parents/guardians can click on this link to join the event.
JNPSD School Bus ID Scanners
Titan Athletic Events; October 12-16