JNPSD School Re-entry Plan for 2020-2021 https://5il.co/hiq6
Coronavirus Update #40 https://5il.co/hipu
Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings by the General Public https://5il.co/hi8m
We are now accepting school choice applications, click here to submit yours today: https://5il.co/hfkd!
https://5il.co/h9hg JNPSD Coronavirus Update #39
The city of Jacksonville has opened youth registration for its "Fall Ball" event. See flyer for details!
Attention JNP Parents: If you are requesting bus transportation for your child this fall, please complete the following survey with specific information. Thank you!
JNPSD Coronavirus Update #38
Here is my newest update: https://5il.co/h1v3
Dr. Duffie's Coronavirus Update #37 is now available here: https://5il.co/h1v3
Here is my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6-2fVsFV8E
JHS Volleyball Team Returned to Practice on June 8
AR Ready for Learning Executive Summary
NEW TODAY: After re-visiting the issue, JHS administrators have decided to hold a Friday drop-off event at Titan Circle. Please read flyer for details. Thank you for your understanding in the matter.
#JNPTitans #BuildingFutures
Here is a helpful training document: https://5il.co/g7cb
UPDATE posted Sunday, May 17, 2020 @ 6:04 pm.
#JNPTitans #BuildingFutures
REMINDER: These events are happening TODAY! ❤️🖤💛
#JNPTitans #BuildingFutures